Boulevard Oktoberfiesta Review

Maybe I got there too early (5:15pm), but Boulevard’s attempt to combine Oktoberfest and Día de los Muertos fell a little flat.  The decorations were wonderful and the beer was great, per usual, but the atmosphere felt like any other day at the brewery.  For an event lasting only 2 hours, I expected the fiesta to be going full steam when I arrived.

It seemed as though a tour had just let out, so they were busy.  The food grill was just getting started, so I imagine the Chorizowurst and other food wasn’t ready until at least 6pm.  I drank a Fall Flight of Collaboration No. 4; Tasting Room Oatmeal Stout; The Sixth Glass; and Dark Truth Stout, and bought two Smokestack beers to get my free Freaker, and left.  I have been to Boulevard several times, but this time I felt a bit confused on what was going on; I expected the staff to be more warm and friendly and to get patrons involved in the party, but they stayed behind their counters and only spoke when spoken to.  Next time, maybe have a greeter at the door or have someone walk around handing out some crafted flowers.

Overall, I would give the event a 6 out of 10.  Maybe next time get more involved with the party guests.