Shatto Releases Chai Latte Milk

Why would a beer blog post about milk you ask?  The chai concentrate used for Shatto’s latest release was slow-brewed in micro-lots by Kansas City’s Hugo Tea Co. at Big Rip Brewing Company in North Kansas City.

Only 4,000 hHugo Tea brewing at Big Rip Brewing Companyalf liter bottles of the milk marked “HARMONY” have been released and once they’re gone, pint size bottles will be available through early November.  The chai concentrate used was brewed over 8 hours last month using Big Rip’s brewing system.  Cloves, cinnamon, ginger, black pepper, and cardamom make this a refreshing drink that’s a little less sweet and a little more cinnamShatto Milk Chai Latte Milkon heavy.

Make sure you pick up a bottle or two so you can experience so many wonderful Kansas City area companies all in one bottle.  I bought two bottles at Hy-Vee for $3.19 each not including the $2 deposit per bottle.